Monday, April 10, 2017

Baby's on the Farm

Spring always brings several kinds of renewal on the farm.  Last Friday lambing season began with the birth of our first set of Merino twins.  Nameless as of now, we added a ram and ewe to the flock.  The naming rights are left to our grandchildren and they have to establish the "theme" for the year.  Our daughter chose country singers one year and we were blessed with Wooly Nelson, Loretta, Cash; well you get the drift.  The story of "Mary's Little Lamb" originated in the town of Sterling, MA, and there was a small concreate statue on the Common in Sterling for many years that had deteriorated over the years.  The Historical Society of Sterling commissioned an artist to create a replacement in bronze and after much research they decided that it was likely that Mary's lamb was probably a Merino.  To bring this story full circle; Loretta was chosen as the model and to this day her statue stands proudly on the Sterling Common.

Spring seems to have arrived with warmer temps and ample rain, vice snow, and brighter spirits. Oh, and a long list of things that did not get done before snowfall. Time to get outside!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Rowley, MA at their "Unwind" fiber event!

         Here we are in Rowley for the first ever Unwind" fiber show.  Andrea and her sister came in on Friday to set up and were here all day Saturday.  They returned to the farm last night and I came back with Andi today.  Rowley is a city close to the sea in northeast Massachusetts and the drive to get here takes one through several towns with large stately homes with  beautiful vistas.  The sheep are safe at home and our part time helper came in at noon to check on the pregnant ewes and let Andi's dog out.  All is well on the farm!